
Lihat Kebunku

pagi cerah
kebun belakang rumah
tak pernah terjamah
aku pun menjelajah



  1. kalo kebonnya kaya gini sih puas banget gue gak kemana-mana
    motoin aja di kebon udah pasti dapet hehehehe....

  2. asli hasil karya foto sendiri di kebun belakang rumah sendiri . asli loooh . buat apa coba-coba ;)

  3. waaaaaaaa.........gw sukaaa bangeeettt sama laba-labaaaa!!!

  4. Congratulations
    for your back garden!.
    You are lucky for the garden
    is so rich with the small animal kingdoms.

    It's amazing, you stay in Jakarta and
    your part of Jakarta still has
    a house back garden that so rich with animals.

    The small child in me must be very happy
    to find a lot of small animals as friends in your garden.

    Ayank Cantiq loves spiders very much.
    I don't know what
    she will do with the spiders. I love them too.

    You make me happy like a small boy again.

  5. ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    I don't know
    if all of you girls
    dare to touch
    this green beauty.

    Possibly next time,
    Badai would have
    the chance to record in his photos of
    the whole development of its siblings
    from the caterpillar stage to
    its top appearance as
    a butterfly.


  6. With its maneuver capabilities
    it reminds me
    of a helicopter.

    I think those helicopter builders
    got a lot of inspirations
    from this beauty.

  7. With its maneuver capabilities
    it reminds me
    of a helicopter.

    I think those helicopter builders
    got a lot of inspirations
    from this beauty.

  8. bagus bgt, smua hijau like my fav.colour :)

  9. and my favorite is color green [baca: kolor ijo] hehe...

  10. ck..ck..ck...ternyata gw lg berhadapan dgn si kolor ijo toh hihihi..

  11. ini pasti stlah ulatnya disemprot baygon deh.

  12. don't worry, no animals were harmed during this photo session :)

    gw cuma goyang2in daunnya biar si ulat jatuh ke batu-batu, gak sakit kok katanya, kan badannya kenyal :)

  13. On reply
    din4aja wrote today at 1:29 AM
    bagus bgt, smua hijau like my fav.colour :).


    And you are lucky
    since the Mother Earth also
    likes green.

    When she is no more green
    it means she is sick, very sick
    by irresponsible exploitations.

  14. Buset dah... kebun belakang gw gak ada serangga kaya gini.. Paling tikus hehehe

  15. ditunggu foto tikusnya ^_^


  16. ********************************************************************




    Now, you look to its beauty:
    with combination of colors:

    --- black
    --- light blue
    --- dark-blue
    --- white
    --- orange.

    It rested with its blue legs
    on the leaf and waits for the time
    to do the actions again
    to fly to check and shake some flowers
    and get some honey.

    It really make your garden
    "full" with this living colourful creature
    flying from plant to plant.


    I only aware after I have seen
    all photos here
    that we the human beings
    could not stay exist
    without these butterflies/moths
    and the insects in general.

    They are our fellow creatures.
    God created them to support
    our systems and the availability
    of foods and drinking water
    for us and the whole flora/fauna.

    These photos remind us that
    these small animals are very
    important for supporting all
    the living systems.
    And with their beauties,
    God beautify our life
    and remind us that we should
    live in harmony with the whole creatures.

    Hudson Lane, Sat.night,
    20 January 2007.



  17. On the first occasion
    it was you who keep
    this photos here
    for us to visit.

    We, the visitors,
    should be grateful to you.

  18. oh tidak...ulatttt !!
    untung ini bukan di kebun saya...! :p

  19. haha ulatnya baik kok, agak2 pendiam ;p

  20. suka ma yg ini nih Dy..
    ini burung beneran khan?

    jarang liat burung gelatik di lepas macam ni
    how wonder.. itu burung kok bisa pose dibidik kamera

  21. takjub dg komposisi pakaian yg dikenakan serangga itu

    hasil photo agak ngblur ya Dy ya..

  22. jejaring nya nampa jelas, hebat ya dia

  23. geli liat nya
    kenyal kenyal gimanaaa gitu
    terbayang : dia menggeliat2 krn merasa bebatuan itu bukan tempat yg nyaman

  24. ini jenis pohonnya: pohon palem ya?

  25. ini burung kesayangan bokap, tiap pagi suka dilepas dari sangkar, jinak banget, ga terbang kemana2, dan suka ngikutin siapapun yang melangkah di halaman

    too bad, burung ini sdh almarhum :(

  26. ga mudeng sama nama2 tanaman, iya kali ya

  27. emang, ngambilnya juga agak sulit dibalik sesemakan :)
